Smart City Consultants
Bridging the Data Gap in Real Estate to Optimize Processes: A Guide for Managers

Bridging the Data Gap in Real Estate to Optimize Processes: A Guide for Managers

Data is critical for real estate business decision-making. Whereby a significant challenge is: bridging the data gap. This blog will list the reasons behind data gaps and provide actionable steps to resolve this challenge.

Robert Versteeg· 3 minute read

Reasons for Data Gaps in Real Estate

Fragmented Data Sources

Real estate processes involve multiple stakeholders with different information needs. This includes disciplines that need data about property, building maintenance, planning and communication to inform tenants and stakeholders, and financial specialists to govern and control payment schedules and good governance. Each participant might maintain data in isolated systems or formats, leading to a lack of integration and consistency.

Manual Data Entry

Relying on manual data entry can introduce errors and delays and increase the likelihood of duplicate or missing information.

Legacy Systems

Outdated software and legacy systems may not support modern data standards and hinder seamless data sharing and analysis.

Inadequate Data Governance

The absence of robust data governance policies can lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, or data quality issues, eroding trust in the data.

Data Silos

Departments within a real estate organization may hoard their data, creating isolated data silos that obstruct comprehensive analysis and Collaboration.

Lack of Data Standardization:

Different data formats and naming conventions across systems can complicate data aggregation and analysis efforts.

Bridging the Data Gap

Establish Data Governance Framework

Implementing a robust data governance framework will enhance data security, privacy, and overall quality, ensuring data is ethically and responsibly. A good example of a data governance framework in the Netherlands that is being developed as we speak, is called the Digital Framework for buildings (DSGO).

Enforce Data Standardization:

Adopt standardized data formats, naming conventions, and data dictionaries to ensure consistency and enable practical data analysis. A good example is the development of the ETIM standard for building installations and materials.

Encourage Collaboration:

Promote a culture of data collaboration and break down data silos within the organization. Encourage teams to share insights and findings, fostering a data-driven decision-making culture.

Implement a Centralized Data Platform

Managers should invest in a centralized data platform that integrates data from various sources, ensuring data consistency and accessibility for all stakeholders. A good example is the development of an 'centralized' data sources for municipalities in the Netherlands. They are working together to collect data at the source when using information in their business applications and processes. See for more information the link for their common grounds program.

Embrace Automation and AI:

Automating data entry processes and adopting artificial intelligence (AI) tools can significantly reduce errors, streamline workflows, and improve data accuracy.

Upgrade Technology Infrastructure:

To overcome the limitations of legacy systems, managers should invest in modern technology infrastructure that supports data interoperability and integration.


In conclusion, the data gap in real estate is a prevalent challenge that can impede process optimization and decision-making. By understanding the root causes of data gaps and taking proactive measures, managers can bridge this gap effectively. Embracing modern technologies, fostering collaboration, and implementing robust data governance will empower real estate organizations to harness the power of data and stay ahead in an increasingly competitive market.

By addressing the data gap, managers can lead their teams to make well-informed decisions, drive efficiency, and achieve greater success in the real estate industry.


If you want more information about why and how your company can bridge the data gap, get in touch.