Smart City Consultants
A boutique consultancy firm specialized in digital transformation and innovation.
Why a Data Quality Program is Essential for Real Estate Companies
Real estate companies must prioritize data quality to remain competitive and make informed decisions. This blog will explore why such a program is essential for real estate companies and what the key topics are to cover.
Smart Security Locks. The role of technology for customer centricity
Real estate companies in the Netherlands deliver new customer-centric services using smart city technology for security access control to buildings. In this blog, I will describe how new technology has been adopted to improve security access using smart locks.
Innovations at the national emergency control room using smart technology
In the Netherlands, the National Control Room (NCR) plays a crucial role in coordinating emergency response through the 112 emergency numbers. In this blog, I will describe how new technology has been adopted to improve emergency responses throughout the country.
Managed Service Providers (MSPs) for digital transformation for smart cities
Managed service providers (MSPs) are critical in digital transformation for smart cities. They ensure a good integration of technology-driven solutions. But how can we optimise the added value to the client? This blog post explains why and how they add value to smart cities.
Bridging the Data Gap in Real Estate to Optimize Processes: A Guide for Managers
Data is critical for real estate business decision-making. Whereby a significant challenge is: bridging the data gap. This blog will list the reasons behind data gaps and provide actionable steps to resolve this challenge.
Intrusion detection in rural areas using A.I. drones
In agricultural security, A.I. technology has made it easier to deliver proactive and more efficient land surveillance services. This blog will explain an interesting use case.
Strategy for smart cities
A strategy for smart cities is essential when you want your city to change into a smart city. The strategy benefits stakeholders in understanding why innovation is necessary and what services your city needs to change. In this blog, I will describe the steps to create a strategy.
Business cases for Real Estate Companies
The added value of IoT is for Real Estate Companies has huge potential. But what can you do with it? In this blog, I describe how data from IoT generates new insights for Real Estate Companies.
Understanding your CEOs dilemma on using IoT
IoT makes your business more vulnerable to cyber security threats. Therefore CEOs of today ask themselves the question, why should I make use of IoT? This article dives into why and how real estate managers can overcome cybersecurity challenges.
Interview: Adoption of BIM in real estate
Robert was interviewed by a real estate company in the Netherlands with 60.000 properties about the adoption of BIM. This interview was conducted for his previous role as a representative for digital transformation for real estate companies in the Netherlands.
Smart transit stations in practise
Smart Transit stations allow passengers to transfer safely throughout the station using data to increase passenger safety. This article explains how to use new technologies to implement at your station.
Privacy Rules and digitization in the public domain
Europe has had a new privacy directive since May 25, 2018, the GDPR. What are the consequences of the new privacy rules, and what does this mean for smart city projects?
Framework smart cities for stakeholder management
A Smart city framework helps you design smart and sustainable cities for all citizens. To ensure all stakeholders are aligned, using a framework can help. In this blog, I explain how.
Layout of public space for slow traffic
How can you use layout design and pedestrian traffic flow data to design corona proof society for public space? In this blog, I describe which tools you can use.
FAQ What is a Smart City
In this FAQ I write about common questions about smart cities. What is it and how to get started is summarized in this FAQ.
Automation of the business services safety in public domains
How technology has supported our client to increase the performance of safety monitoring for 600 platforms dotted around the country.